What makes us different


To ensure excellence in education we have a pedagogical leader in both centres, who supports the staff to plan and implement a high quality curriculum.


We believe in respectful relationships and responsive engagement with children and families. Respect is a key component of our centre values and philosophy.


Our staff are all qualified and experienced. We have at least one university trained Early Childhood Teacher rostered on each session (if not more).


Secure attachments and positive relationships are paramount to our service provision and planning. To build secure attachments with children and families, we roster on the same staff for each session for the whole team if not the year. To be consistent and to maintain relationships with our children and families, we only change staff in a session if a regular staff member is ill or is on leave. We will always try to replace staff with another staff member within our staff team.


We listen to our communities needs. We encourage community feedback through questionnaires, email correspondence, suggestion boxes, policy feedback etc. We connect with our local councils, schools and other community services.


We allow our younger nursery children to do half days, as many families prefer their child to have a sleep at home in the afternoon. We do offer sleeping facilities at both centres should you require.