Our Philosophy of Education is based on our Statement of Principles (the foundation of which is the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics). Our philosophy also reflects our commitment to the principles and practices of the Reggio Emilia style of teaching as well as incorporating the national curriculum “Belonging, Being and Becoming - the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)”.
Our main focus behind our philosophy is our belief that young children learn best by “doing” and by actively using their senses through play, to experiment, think, create, discover, explore, interpret, predict, communicate and reason.
It is through play that children acquire skills and prepare for future learning.
The EYLF identifies five outcome areas to guide planning for children’s learning and development. The educators at Hyde Park have found the EYLF and Reggio principles and practices inspiring, as it challenges them to base their programs more on the needs, interests and capabilities of children.
The five outcome areas are:
Children have a strong sense of Identity.
Children are connected and contribute to their world.
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Children are confident and involved learners.
Children are effective communicators.
Planning the curriuclum begins by closely observing the children and creating an overall inquiry question or provocation, that is based on the children’s current interests, questions and ideas. The children research their questions and ideas with the educators through projects and mini investigations.
The EYLF and Reggio principles and practices support us to create high quality educational experiences and interactions in our services.
The Hyde Park staff strive to:
be responsive to children’s needs.
plan and implement learning through play.
create positive social and physical learning environments.
value diversity and the cultural and social contexts of children and families.
enable children to have successful transitions and provide for continuity in experiences.
monitor children’s learning to inform our programs and to best achieve the five outcomes.
We believe the five outcomes are the foundation of a civilized society!